Friday, August 7, 2009

When God Answers with Ceramic Tile

Our bathroom renovation is well underway. Like all renovations, we've hit a few snags along the way and found ourselves quite beyond the original budget. Not that we've been extravagant at all; shopping frugally comes naturally to us and we want the best bang for our buck. Saving money at home improvement stores can present quite a challenge, however. We've been looking for ways to save a little more and last night found ourselves praying for God's help in keeping this project financially on-track.

When you ask God for something specific, be prepared for His answer.

Yes, sometimes God sends tile. New, in the box. Wrapped in plastic and sitting by the curb with other garbage on trash day. 3 boxes to be exact - precisely what we needed to finish retiling our entry (a project we opted to tackle with the bathroom, since it was small and much-needed), and in a remarkably similar shade to what we had purchased for $40 earlier this week.

It arrived just minutes before the tile setter was about to begin making cuts on the entry tile. We were able to use it immediately and will return our earlier purchase. We're thankful for God's unique provision for us (and sense of humor!) and for putting us $40 closer to our original budget.

While this certainly isn't the first time we've felt God's provision, He did meet a rather unique need. What about you? When the economy is rough and you're trying to cut back, how have YOU found your needs met recently? Sometimes it's just nice to sit back and count your blessings...


  1. Thank you for sharing your "God stop" moment with us! God never ceases to amaze me yet often leaves me speechless. He is an awesome God. I love hearing stories how God is actively at work in those around me. Congrats on the tile! Yipee :)

  2. i love living in the Mid-west...thanks for your faith!

  3. Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing. I LOVE hearing about God's miracles.

    Our son just turned a year old and he still did not have his own room because we couldn't afford flooring. About a month ago, it got to the point we had to do something because we didn't have anywhere to put his stuff. Originally, we wanted hardwood flooring, but could not afford it. We decided to go to Gibraltar trade center and just get a cheap roll of carpeting to put in there for now. When we got there they hardly had any carpet, which is rare. Plus, we found boxes of hardwood flooring for $12.50 a box! Normally, these are at least $23.00 a box. Long story short, we were able to buy the hardwood flooring and no longer need a temporary fix! God is awesome!

  4. Last year money was really tight and I needed a nice outfit for my son for a wedding. I had been going to Salvation Army's, etc looking for an outfit in great condition, but couldn't find one.

    One day I was in Salvation Army looking for the outfit and started talking to a woman who was also shopping right by me. It turned out that she had originally come to the store to drop off stuff, but the drop off wasn't open yet, so she came in the store to look around to waste some time. When she asked me what I was looking for, I told her.

    She had an outfit that was in her car that she had been planning on dropping off, in the exact size I had needed. Not only that, but it had been dry cleaned and still had the cleaners tags on it. It was exactly what I needed, and I got it for free.

  5. Thank you for sharing God's provision in your life. I love to hear how God provides for His children and that it was not "just luck".
    2 weeks ago I was looking for a white corner shelf and found one at Lowe's but it was $10 and didn't want to spend that much on a nonnecessity. The following day I was at the thrift store and had to giggle that low and behold there was the same white corner shelf that I had seen at Lowe's but $1.50. I was so excited that He saved that just for me. God is so good isn't He!!

  6. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing what special things God is doing for you! :)

  7. I love these stories! I am constantly astounded by how God choses to answer our prayers.


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