Sunday, January 31, 2010

Worth Watching: 31 of the Savviest Spending Tips!

Sharpen Your Scissors

Laura of Sharpen Your Scissors has been working all month long, adding a video tip each day that features one of many savvy spending tips. Today was the Grand Finale to her series, and you'll want to check it out - and learn from her shopping wisdom! Here you'll find links to ALL 31 TIPS. Watch a few or watch them all, but I know you'll like these smart little snippets.

Which one of Laura's tips is YOUR favorite?


  1. I like the one about using register rewards at other stores when they say manufacturers coupon. I never knew that! I don't shop drug stores but now if a good deal comes up I might make the extra effort!

  2. Loved it, my favorite was how to clip multiple coupons it never crossed my mind!


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